Friday, September 19, 2008

what a sad ending .
staying in another house nearer my school
is not my dream but it did past .
Well .. still i'm not dreaming..
so sad but still god is best....

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

:D Hey thanks for coming ...
Well days of school are goo indeed...
well not much to say well God bless your welly!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hey i did not finish my words ..
By the way talking about that ..
I had such a big dinner and lots of people ..
A great chef helped me cooked hee hee
by the way it's my mother..
heho! gotta go
- bye -.. :D

wooohh. that stunks! :D

Monday, June 30, 2008

didn't write bloggie for long... hee
really enjoyed the hoildays in jesus bride 2....
love janah.....

Sunday, April 13, 2008

preety girls huh!!
yo!! end of school week end hoilday already....("-)
Haha at list a day of rest .........
ya lets talk about it now not not the non-what ever ....
okay ! say today waqs good (suddenly got God"s the feeling ahhhhh...
what ever i enjoyed the day.
- Bye -

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Woo ! having a holiday to myself..but still talking about Jesus bride woo still need to be in class > Christian .. Can't have time to myself... but talking of that i did have alot of miracle.. having A's...i still will be happy.
thank you Jesus...


Woo ! having a holiday to myself..but still talking about Jesus bride woo still need to be in class > Christian .. Can't have time to myself... but talking of that i did have alot of miracle.. having A's...i still will be happy.
thank you Jesus...
hello! im janah! :D
love you !